I have decided what I want to study.but why that my sister asked me to study engineering so suddenly? I thought that my father agreed and also my mom agreed then i can go towards it.Yep. I always needed my parents support only I have the motivation to study to. Sis told me that she prefer me to study engineering instead of law. I asked her why. She said. "Don't you prefer science always.?" Haha. True. I stunned for like one minute and thinking about it. But there's only thing the popped out. "Since January,I have decided to study law,I shouldn't keep changing mind, and I do like law.so, I should bring along the passion and go for it." Yea, sometimes we do confuse what we want to study,but once you think back to the reason you chose the course, you will still stick with it.I will try my best to get what I want. :)